For windows instal Top Gun: Maverick
For windows instal Top Gun: Maverick

Your issue is likely with your W10 hosts file. Sounds like you were using the google maps replacement mod before you installed it.

for windows instal Top Gun: Maverick

Think I go get some sleep and tackle it tomorrow. I've resisted going to 11, because I don't see any real benefit - as of yet. I'm stilling running Win10, as I suspect many here are as well. I've tried some of the hardware suggestions, short of replacing memory, or trying another graphics card. I just can't figure up what's left to try. So, I don't suspect common hardware, or general Win10 software issues. However, it still is only related to FS2020. Still nothing, same symptom of hanging as the flight loads. I tried deleting the rolling cache file too. The community folder was empty and still a no-go.

for windows instal Top Gun: Maverick

About 2/3 of the way across it stops and just hangs. The typical background appears and the progress bar starts across the screen loading the flight information. Progress is about at 56%.Īfter selecting a flight, I press the Fly button. I'm now on my 2nd re-install of the game following Microsoft's published process to try and fix the issue. It should be noted, up to the point when requested to perform the Top Gun update a few days ago, everything was working fine. Even if I don't select a flight and say, look at some of general options, after a couple of minutes, the game will freeze. I did most of the things to troubleshoot like unplug all unnecessary USB devices, reseated my graphics card, and even removed 3 other PCIe cards I was using.

for windows instal Top Gun: Maverick

I have to use the Task Manager to end the FS task. At this point nothing is active in the game. My fans throttle back and my in-game statistics for GPU Temp and GPU Usage freeze as well. After selecting a flight, I press the Fly button.

For windows instal Top Gun: Maverick